Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas: The Season For Transcendence

Dear Family, Friends and Spiritual Kin:

I'm writing to remind you that this is the season of Love, Peace and Transcendence. What is transcendence? Here's some quotes on it by Robert Fritz from his book, "The Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life:

  • Transcendence is the power to be born anew, to make a fresh start, to turn over a new leaf, to begin with a clean slate, to enter into a state of grace, to have a second chance.

  • Transcendence makes no reference to the past, whether your past has been overflowing with victories or filled with defeats. When you enter a state of transcendence, you are able to create a new life, unburdened by both the victories and the defeats of the past.

  • Transcendence is more than just the accurate realization that the past is over. It is also a realignment of all dimensions of yourself with the very source of your life.

When you reestablish your relationship to your natural goodness, you give a new life to what is highest in you.

Remember the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and how he jumps around and dances and shouts on Christmas morning. I encourage you to do the same.

This has been a year of
NEW BEGINNINGS, and now it's time to celebrate.

I wish you -- and all those you love -- the joyful experience of transcendence this Christmas and Holiday Season.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

BARACK: The Blessing of Personal Sovereignty

The top left panel of my Blog spot contains a message I received from a Thunderbeing named Kumelia, while I was living in the Cherokee -- also called Smoky--Mountains of North Carolina. A thunderbeing is a Star Person, a celestial messenger who serves as a harbinger of both destruction and creation. Thunderbeings are currently serving as cosmic midwives who have returned to this dimension in order to help prepare us for the 2012 shift and the great Earth changes. Her messages are designed to support our human ability to achieve personal sovereignty -- our supreme and independent power/authority over and responsibility for our thoughts, choices, and resulting behaviors. First came paradise, then came slavery, then came freedom as oppression, and now comes freedom as personal sovereignty. Here in the Gregorian calendar year of 2008, we are poised to no longer tolerate victim consciousness in any form.

I've been hearing supporters of the Obama-Biden win express concern for what comes next in this most unprecedented historical event. "Will Obama keep his cool? Will Obama keep his integrity? Will Obama keep his life?" The more correct questions for us supporters to be asking are: How will we help Obama keep his cool, maintain his integrity, and stay alive in the White House?

Before I offer up my answer, I want to first share another message I received from a celestial messenger. This one is in human form and is my primary mentor for my spiritual pathkeeping. Her name is Johneatha, and she gifted me with these channeled words from the cosmic lawyers who advocate on behalf of humanity at the Galactic Council (yes it really does exist and is not just an invention from Star Trek!). The earthly Mary energy and the universal Kwan Yin energy were also present during this transmission. So here's what was gifted:

  1. Barack, whose named means "blessing", is a symbol of all that is transforming; he is the PORTAL through which all of humanity can pursue a lifestyle of personal sovereignty.
  2. Barack symbolizes the opportunity for each and every one of us to show up on the Earth Plane in the way that CREATOR meant for us to show up -- AWAKE, COURAGEOUS, and UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING.
  3. Barack's winning the office of the American presidency is evidence of the magnanimous opportunities for the salvation of humanity as we shift from one world age into the next.
  4. Barack is not a saviour or the reincarnation of who has already come forth. The great Avatars, Prophets and other Divine Masters of Spirit needed to come only once to insure that the "second comings" would be all of us. WE ARE THE ONES THAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! We -- not he -- are responsible for the shift and the resulting changes. We have much work to do as individuals, and as groups of individuals.
(I have so much gratitude to Johneatha for channeling the Cosmic Advocates; and to the Advocates for their emissarial role between humanity and Creator.)

So, to the question about what is our personal and collective responsibility for supporting President Barack Obama to keep his cool, his integrity, and his life, my answer is --
And if you are even just a little bit awake spiritually, November 11, 12 and 13 gave you a great experience of what I mean by that. But just to be clear, personal purification can be summed up as three major tasks:
  1. Facing your demons (not running from them);
  2. Clearing your shadows (not transferring them);
  3. Reclaiming your innocence (not hiding it).
One of the most important things I learned ("What did you learn, Dorothy?") during my six years as a nomadic shamanic healer, was that I was so much more than what my childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood conditioned me to be. I finally realized that those primary experiences of life were for learning and leaving -- not for keeping or correcting. They were my obligatory events -- not my entire life story. By doing our own personal inner work to heal our wounds and remember the truth of who we are, we will be able to shift our fear-based beliefs about the first African-American president and focus our Light Energies and physical actions to insure the promise of our New Earth.

I will do a blog to discuss personal purification in more detail, but for now, I will end with a quote from Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth -- a good reminder of the art of conscious awareness:

"If evil has any reality--and it has a relative, not an absolute, reality--this is also its definition: complete identification with form--physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms. This results in a total unawareness of my connectedness with the whole, my intrinsic oneness with every "other" as well as with the Source. This forgetfulness is original sin, suffering, delusion. When this delusion of utter separateness underlies and governs whatever I think, say, and do, what kind of world do I create: To find the answer to this, observe how humans relate to each other, read a history book, or watch the news on television tonight.

If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating fundamentally the same wo
rld, the same evils, the same dysfunction."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Political Global Shift - November 4th 2008

On November 4th, 2008, history was made and celebrated around the globe as Barack Obama was voted to become the 44th President of the United States of America.
It is my great pleasure to share with you a segment from CBS's "Early Show" on this historical win for America and people all over the world. It ends with a short interview with Maya Angelou who expresses so beautifully what I feel, especially as she recites from her most powerful poem, "And Still I Rise." GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September Shadow Revelation for Purpose Salvation

As the “2012” shift in human consciousness becomes an increasingly undeniable reality, those of us who are awake are being increasingly pressed toward choosing Love over Fear. All of us are conscious of our embedded traumas – either from this lifetime, ancestral wounds, or both. These traumas serve as initiatory events designed to prepare us for effectively carrying out our life purpose. But paradoxically, they also distract and distance us from life purpose. Thankfully, the time does come for us to evolve away from our fear-based survival lifestyles. The time does come when we are given the opportunities to learn how to embrace a loving, fulfilling and purposeful life -- which we never need to retire from. For many of us, that time is now.

It is my experience that Spirit has designed the month of September 2008 as the month of Shadow Revelation.

By this I mean that whatever belief system is holding you hostage from bringing more of your gifts and talents to the forefront of your life is going to be revealed. Now, our shadow has many components, so what gets revealed this month is just one aspect a multi-layered phenomenon. But, this component is a major one and deeply rooted, and from my own recent experience and that of several others, the roots of a mega emotional block has been or is being pulled out and literally paraded before our waking eyes.

You are going to be emotionally triggered. And it doesn’t feel good. In fact, it’s downright painful. For example, if you unconsciously believe that the boogey man will get you when you make yourself fully available as a healer, then the boogey will literally show up at your doorstep. If you are unconsciously afraid of change and transformation, then a big black snake will move into your bathroom and block you from opening the door! If you have unconsciously believed that playing the martyr will make you the better person in your interpersonal experiences, people are going to falsely accuse you and expose how bitter you are towards life.

These experiences happened this week to people I know, and the first one happened to me! A middle-aged man who lives next door to me rang my door bell and attempted to try to get to know me. He looked and behaved in an adolescent manner, his energy was toxic and “perp” (short for perpetrator), and I know from the person he rents from that he is going to be evicted. I declined the offer to go out with him, and when he blurted out his phone number and asked me to call him I said I’d think about it – even though I knew then and there “No way!” Thank goodness I realized that night that I had been triggered. Here was the living, breathing consequence of me sharing my healing gifts in a more noticeable way in the world. This was my deeply embedded fear come to real life.

Recognizing that my survivor neurosis was fully activated, I knew I needed to tell someone, and get feedback and support.

The next day, I had a conversation with a dear friend who shared an Islamic teaching with me about Shirk. A Shirk is anything we choose to fear more than God and therefore become distracted from our devotional beliefs and practices. It’s the ultimate worship of false idols. Although my relationship to Creator/God is not one of fear, I had definitely been triggered into giving my power away and was totally distracted from doing what always reconnects me to my truth – being still, praying, listening to the Ancestors, and creating a devotional gesture or ritual. After another consciousness-raising and supportive conversation with my spiritual mentor, I wrote a letter to my shadow belief and released it from the sacred contract we shared, saying it had done a great job and the job was over. I went to Lake Michigan and released the letter through a personal Water Ritual. I don’t know the full results of my shadow revelation, but I do know I am no longer concerned that the next door neighbor is “out to get me.” I’ve chosen not to be a victim because it distracts me from my purpose in the world.

So here are a few suggestions for coping with shadow revelation and supporting your progress towards purpose salvation:

1. Be emotionally intelligent about your shadow trigger – allow yourself to feel fear, anger, sadness, grief, confusion, and most importantly allow yourself to cry.

2. Whatever you believe is being done to you and trapping you in victim consciousness is evidence of your shadow component that is ready to be healed. Help the revelation process by asking yourself, “What does this experience tell me about what I unconsciously believe about myself?” And allow more than a minute for the answer – even go to sleep on it.

3. Share the shadow trigger experience with someone you trust to give you feedback and encouragement.

4. Once you feel that you’ve identified the shadow in you, do a personal release ritual. First, write a letter to the shadow (Dear Shadow. . .) and thank it for being your evolutionary teacher. Write down what the shadow has taught you about yourself and how this knowledge informs your ability to live a purposeful, fulfilling and love-centered life. Also let the shadow know that the contract between the two of you is now complete and that you no longer need its lessons. Next, fold the letter and place it in a decorated envelope, gift wrap or tissue paper. Spirit is attracted to beauty, so make it very attractive. I suggest that you release the letter very gently and slowly, meaning take it to a body of water or bury it. Because these shadow components were so deeply rooted and very much a hidden part of our identity, Fire is too radical. We need gentleness and time to allow for our new learning to occur. Letting go of identity pieces too radically can result in an unconscious retrieval of the shadow component.

5. And to help you focus on your purpose, make a “Wheel of Fortune” by drawing a circle, dividing it into the major areas of your life, such as health, relationships, work, spirituality, enjoyment, or whatever categories you prefer to use. Then, find magazine photos or draw in those images of things you would like to see happen through you in the next six months of time. (Note that I said “through” you, not “to” you.) Put the Wheel of Fortune where you will notice it every day. The images will implant in your subconscious and seemingly without effort begin to draw you into situations and learnings which will bring about the results you have imaged-in. (This exercise is from the Medicine Woman Cards Inner Guide Book by Carol Bridges)

The salvation of our purpose will evolve us away from a life of survival, which is usually the experience of struggling and suffering. To be on purpose allows God, the Universe, Spirit and the Ancestors to provide us with everything we need easily and effortlessly. I leave you with one of my favorite poems by Rumi and send you warm thoughts of courageous shadow revelation.

“Guest House”

This being human is a guest house;
Every morning a new arrival;

A joy, a depression, meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor;

Welcome and attend them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still treat each guest honorably;

He may be clearing you out
For some new delight;
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

Meet them at the door laughing,
And invite them in;

Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond;

Welcome difficulty.
Learn the alchemy True Human Beings know:
The moment you accept what troubles
You’ve been given, the door opens;

Welcome difficulty as a familiar comrade.
Joke with torment brought by the Friend.

Sorrows are the rage of old clothes
And jackets that serve to cover,
And then are taken off.

That undressing and the beautiful
Naked body underneath,
Is the sweetness that comes after Grief.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Easter Prayer

Easter Message – March 23, 2008

You’ve journeyed through the winter season with your heart open to hearing, accepting, and following the call of Spirit. You have learned more about whom you are, what direction you are to take, and what your purpose is with each passing day.

Just as shedding a heavy winter coat allows you freedom of movement, releasing old ideas or patterns of behavior opens you to new feelings of personal and spiritual freedom. And like the caterpillar that exchanges what is familiar to become a butterfly, you are willing to let go of what you know in order to experience the new. As you stay true to what is yours to do, transformation naturally follows.

Whatever change is ahead for you, you can be certain to succeed as you remain attuned to the voice of Spirit within you. You can look to the future with confidence and enthusiastically greet any change because you know that this period of growth and transformation is firmly rooted in your acceptance of God’s call to your spirit.

Today is Easter.

Let your heart soar.

Let wings of faith and freedom lift your spirit to new heights

This is a day of renewal.

This is a day of celebration.

This is a day to celebrate the new you!

Today is a day of new beginnings – a new life,

a new sense of love and spiritual power, a new sense of freedom.

With fresh understanding, you begin your life anew.

You are transformed.

You are a new expression of the Divine.

Beloved, celebrate this day. Celebrate the new you!

(from the Unity Lenten Season prayer guide for 2008)

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Mayan Calendar and Prophecy

We are living today in the cusp of the Mayan end times, the end of a galactic day or time period spanning thousands of years. One galactic day of 25,625 years is divided into five cycles of 5,125 years.

The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D. Following Mayan concepts of cyclic time and World Age transitions, this is as much about beginnings as endings. In fact, it was considered by the ancient Mayans to signify the creation of a new World Age. We are almost at the end of the fifth and final 5,125 year cycle!

The Mayans believed the universal processes, like the 'breathing' of the galaxy, are cycles that never change. What changes is the consciousness of man that passes through it. Always in a process toward more perfection. Based on their observations, the Mayans predicted that from the initial date of the start of their civilization, 4 Ahau, 8 Cumku which is 3113 B.C., after one cycle being completed 5,125 years in their future, December 21st, 2012. The Sun, having received a powerful ray of synchronizing light from the center of the galaxy, would change its polarity which would produce a great cosmic event that would propel human kind to be ready to cross into a new era, The Golden Age. It is after this, that the Mayans say we will be ready to go through the door that was left by them, transforming our civilization based on fear to a vibration much higher in harmony.

The Mayans prophesied that from 1999 we have 13 years to realize the changes in our conscious attitude to stray from the path of self-destruction and instead move onto a path that opens our consciousness to integrate us with all that exists.

The Mayans knew that our Sun, or Kinich-Ahau, every so often synchronized with the enormous central galaxy. And from this central galaxy received a 'spark' of light which causes the Sun to shine more intensely producing what our scientists call 'solar flares' as well as changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Mayans say that this happens every 5,125 years. But also that this causes a displacement in the earths rotation, and because of this movement great catastrophes would be produced.

Only from our individual efforts could we avoid the path to great cataclysm that our planet will suffer to start a new era, the sixth cycle of the Sun. The Mayan civilization was in the fifth cycle of the Sun, and there were four other great civilizations before them that were destroyed by great natural disasters. They believed that each cycle was just one stage in the collective consciousness of humanity.

Excerpted from

The Intent of This Blog Spot

This interactive communication is designed to inform and inspire virtual visitors about the 2012 shift in human consciousness. Below is a general overview of the Mayan Prophecy which awakened global awareness of the historical, astronomical, astrological, mythological, and intuitive significance of the date December 21, 2012.

Over the coming weeks, I will be posting more background information on the 2012 Shift, and then subsequent posts will be my guidance on how individuals and groups can take on daily, monthly, and annual tasks to prepare for this great leap forward in human consciousness.