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Now of course this is the last thing that most people in this nation want to hear right now, because this has been a Winter to remember. Atlanta, Texas and even Hawaii have all experienced the powerful reach of Jack Frost and the North Wind. And states in the Upper Midwest and Northeast are experiencing the coldest winter in a decade, with sub-zero temperatures and accompanying wind chills as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit! Ouch!!

But, it's really hard to wait when you can't understand or figure out how to get out of your time-warp, your cycle of suffer & struggle, your treadmill of unconsciously believing that you are not enough. Thank goodness for this film because it provides us with some practical answers. And the most important one is to embrace the waiting as a precious and time-limited opportunity to become all of who you truly are so you can have your happy endings.
Last summer at the annual book sale of St. Matthews' Church here in Milwaukee, I came upon a book written by Holly W. Whitcomb, a pastor & clergy-woman living in a suburb of Milwaukee. The book is titled, Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting. She discusses the many types of waiting that we are called to do in life and references the popular Rumi poem that personifies "waiting" as guest we should learn to treat well. Holly writes, "Waiting is an important guest to honor in the guest house of our humanity. If we consciously allow waiting to be our teacher, we can accommodate waiting more peacefully." The Seven Gifts are as follows:
- Patience: to trust in the fullness of God's time and be available to others;
- Loss of Control: to surrender to grief, ask for help and experience resilience;
- Living in the Present: to relinquish worry, act on faith, and experience "enough";
- Compassion: To receive, to know we are not alone, and to feel hopeful;
- Gratitude: to value the small things and turn obstacles into opportunity;
- Humility: to live without judgment, to reach for Love rather than achievement;
- Trust in God: to embrace the invitation to pray, to let go of fear and trust in Love.

So, I challenge you over the next 6 weeks of Winter, to consciously practice waiting and to consciously experience each of the Seven Gifts of Waiting. I challenge you to make good use of the days when the weather does not permit you to drive safely, or to even walk outside your home without the risk of frost bite. Contemplate what you can do to heal, to grow, and to evolve yourself, to love your Self, without doing what you would normally do-- or are scheduled to do. I challenge you to wait, let go, and let come.
I leave you with this blessing from Holly's book:
Stand as you are able, and cross your arms over your chest. Bless yourself with the words, "May God bless me in my waiting and in my trusting." Ashe!