We’ve crossed the boundary from
the World of Separation and have entered the World of Illumination.
The Dagara Wisdom for a Fire Year
“We come into the world in order to bring into completion that very plan which, as we are born into this side of reality, became our reason for human life. In order to fulfill our purpose, we need the a driving force of fire, just as a vehicle needs fuel to reach its destination.”
--Malidoma Somé, The Healing Wisdom of Africa, p.210
In the Dagara cosmology, Fire is the primary element that animates all life and connects us to our purpose and our Ancestors – who provide us with unconditional love and support for achieving what we’ve promised to do. Fire has the ability to transform and transmute that which no longer serves our ability to be loved and loving. In Western culture, our biggest block to being whole-hearted and open-hearted to ourselves and others is the Ancestral pain we unconsciously carry. This pain is so big and so old that we find it difficult to believe that the love of God/ All That Is /The Universe is given to us freely, perpetually, and unconditionally. And so our challenge this year is to realign ourselves with the generative nature of the Fire element through Forgiveness, Dwelling in Possibilities, and Living the New Age.
Fire Person in A Fire Year
Fire people are gatekeepers between the Ancestors’ world and this world. It is for this reason that they seem to live in the future, always ahead ofor setting trends. They understand the dream world, have a facility for interpreting dreams, and are at home in mystical and supernal landscapes. Because fire energy is ancestral, Fire people have the ability to see and hear the truth –especially when someone is trying to hide and/or avoid

it. It s easy for Fire people to be in conflict, and they are disruptive to people and situations because of their gift. If you or someone you know was born in a Fire year (birth year ends in a 2 or 7, ie.,1942 1987) then this year will be one of intense personal growth and spiritual development as the Cosmos works it’s magic to bring you/them more into alignment with your/their essential nature and highest purpose.
Fire Out of Control
In Western culture, fire has been misaligned with the external experience of wealth, success and progress. The Industrial Age is often visually characterized by the 24/7 bellowing smoke stacks of steel mills, where fires raged and created our modern conveniences. Fire has brought us to a post-modern lifestyle full of comfort and vacations, but it has had a destructive impact on the animals, plants, waterways, atmosphere, and human health. The horrifying and tragic consequences of our use of war bombs and nuclear energy demonstrate how out of alignment we have become with the true essence of the fire element. It is way past time for us to reconcile our misuse of fire by utilizing its power to reconnect us with our true purpose for being alive –to love and be loved in return.
Challenges and Opportunities with the 2012 Fire
Fire has the ability to transform and transmute that which no longer serves our ability to be loved and loving. In Western culture, our biggest block to being whole-hearted and open-hearted to ourselves and others is the Ancestral pain we unconsciously carry. This pain is so big and so

old that we find it difficult to believe that the love of God/ All That Is /The Universe is given to us freely, perpetually, and unconditionally. Again, our challenge and opportunity this year is to realign ourselves with the generative nature of the Fire element through Forgiveness, Dwelling in Possibilities, and Living the New Age.
FORGIVENESS: Transforming versus Transferring Pain
The practice of requesting and expecting the grace of Forgiveness is essential for realigning with the generative nature of the Fire element. Forgiveness is not about letting someone or yourself off the hook for wrong doing. Forgiveness is about letting go of carrying and transferring pain.
All wrong doing is the transference of pain.
We hold onto the pain through

Honoring the Unpredictability of 2012
I dwell in Possibility –
A fairer House than Prose –
More numerous of Windows –
Superior – for Doors –
Of Chambers as the Cedars –

Impregnable of eye –
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky –
Of Visitors – the fairest –
For Occupation – This –
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –
By Emily Dickerson
According to Chinese astrology, 2012 is Year of the Dragon and it will arrive on February 4, 2012 . Dragon years are traditionally associated with new beginnings and good fortune. The myth and lore surrounding the Dragon tell of its unpredictability. As Gandalf said to Frodo, “Even the wisest can not tell the ending.” So, it is very wise for us to stop ourselves from trying to know how our dreams will come true, or what dreams may come. During 2012, we are being asked to trust the process and keep our eyes on the prize. Everything that happens –good, bad or indifferent—will result in our Happy Endings!

The Black Water Dragon brings a balance to the Dagara Fire element, but doesn’t keep us from traveling through the deepest part of our emotional pool in order to support the healing of our old pain. Calling upon and/or working with the Fire and the Ancestors to transform that pain will insure that our new beginnings bring enormous good fortune. 2012 is a time for dreaming big, allowing our imaginations to run wild beyond our limitations concerning beauty, truth and love, while staying out of the Universe’s way in order for those dreams to come true. Let go and let God handle the details. Remain open to the possibilities of unimaginable joy and peace in your life.
LIVING THE NEW AGE: Through the Fire of a New Landscape In 2003, I was gifted with wisdom from a Thunderbeing named Kumelia regarding beneficial and detrimental beliefs in preparation for the 2012 Shift. Now that 2012 has officially arrived, we are expected to step fully into an entirely new landscape by acting upon these beneficial beliefs:
(1) power is internal not external so I am self-referred, not object-referred; (2) the World is out to gift me –not get me; (3) healing Ancestral wounds versus ignoring them brings freedom & joy; (4) being inclusive and compassionate towards others, versus exclusive and judgmental creates abundance; and (5) the daily practice of gratitude attitude overcomes my anxiety addiction.
The consequences of forgetting this evolved consciousness will be hard and fast, because after all, this is a Fire year, and the Truth will not ignore or hide from us.
Our Ancestors have been given a green light to help make sure that we practice what we preach, and walk our talk. No more practice time or going back for those who are awake and aware.

This is not a test. This is the real deal.
1 comment:
Wow. Now this sounds like more than a Happy New Year. Thanks so much, Jojopa. I would like to talk to you sometime.
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