Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day 2015: Honoring Right Timing!

Happy Groundhog Day!  Once again I'm making time to blog about this important portal day that marks the passage from Winter to Spring. This year, like the last 2 years, Punsxtawney Phil from Gobbler's Knob in Punsxtawney, Pennsylvania did see his shadow and has forecasted 6 more weeks of Winter.  When you hear 6 weeks, you think, OMG--six more weeks of Jack Frost and his brothers!  But, if you check your calendar, in 6 weeks we will experience the Vernal Equinox, the cosmic timing for the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.  The right timing for the return of Spring!

Punsxtawney Phil dreaming of Spring
So what Phil has given us is an opportunity to ask ourselves, "What can I do to make the most out of the next six weeks in preparation for the Spring?"  In other words, how do you honor right timing?  This is necessary because it is so easy to think that things we want to happen should occur at the time when we think they should.  It is so easy for us to forget that we are in this New Earth for a purpose and that everything we experience is the result of what is happening to others.  And what happens to us will also directly and indirectly affect others.  We are not in this alone, by any means.  This is what unity consciousness is really all about.

If you've read my previous Groundhog Day blogs, you know I'm a huge fan of the movie. 
So I'm going use it to give an example of how the movie teaches us about Unity Consciousness and the importance of honoring right timing.  And, if you are reading this and haven't seen the movie yet, shame on you, and you can watch it on cable TV's AMC (American Movie Classics) channel all day today.

Basically, this is the story of how a man gets trapped in the same day, February 2nd, and has to live it over and over and over again.  Once he accepts that it is really happening, that he's not dreaming, he begins to experiment with choice and consequences.  Like a young adolescent, he first begins to break the rules, break the laws because he thinks he won't have to experience external consequences, like going to jail for years. And this works for him for a while, until he begins to experience internal consequences.  He realizes that his behavior is anti-human and that he really doesn't like himself.  This awareness is grown as he falls head-over-heels for his colleague.  And no matter what form of manipulation he employs to get her to go to bed with him, it always fails.  After attempting suicide in many different forms, he finally surrenders to his situation and finally ask himself how he can make the most of his time trapped in a time warp.

What we get to see through the movie is how Phil's final acceptance of being trapped in Punsxtawney, and taking on healing and growing himself, results in his being able to provide many services and contributions to his adopted community.  He's even able to save a man's life, and show kindness to a man whose life wasn't supposed to be saved.  This is the mystery and magnificence of right timing --to be where we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to do, in the time we are supposed to do it.  Phil is rewarded for his patient endurance and learning to love himself.  If he hadn't honored right timing, his relationship with his Beloved would have been superficial at best!

So the moral of my blog is, let go of judging the remaining six weeks of Winter and embrace what you need to do to improve yourself, your relationships, and your ability to honor right timing.

May the Ancestors guide your every step! Ashe!

(PS -- I changed the name of this blog in order to honor this next phase of Living the 2012 Shift.)

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